Now Player - All Channels (2024)

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Mature Audiences Only

The following programme contains content intended for mature audience only.

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Please confirm you attained the age of 18.

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I confirm I have attained the age of 18.

I agree to the Terms and Conditions and the disabling of the Mature Content Lock.

Mature Audiences Only Terms and Conditions

Some content on Now Player are not suitable for viewing by persons below 18 years of age (“minors”) as they contain adult content or content meant for mature audiences (“Mature Content”). You are responsible for checking the identity and age of any person who wishes or intends to view any Mature Content before you permit that person to view such content and for generally ensuring that minors do not access such content by using your login details and password. PCCW Media Limited shall not be liable in any way for any access to or viewing of, Mature Content through your Now Player account by any minor or any unauthorized person.

By activating the Mature Content Lock, you can prevent your children and other minors from watching Mature Content through your Now Player account. The Mature Content Lock will require the viewer to verify his/her Now TV subscriber identity by keying in his/her Now ID password for verification each time a request is made to view Mature Content on Now Player.

If you disable the Mature Content Lock, any person will be able to watch the Mature Content anytime through your Now Player account without having to key in your Now ID password. You are therefore advised to activate the Mature Content Lock and keep it enabled at all times, to prevent minors from accessing the Mature Content. Please change your Now ID password regularly and keep your login details and Now ID password secure and do not disclose them to anyone.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Double click/ press F: Activate full screen/ exit full screen.

Press backspace: Exit player.

Press 1/ left arrow: Backward 10 seconds.

Press 2/ right arrow: Forward 10 seconds.

Press 4: Backward 30 seconds.

Press 5: Forward 30 seconds.

Press 7: Backward 1 minute.

Press 8: Forward 1 minute.

Press 3/ space: Stop/play.

Press 6: Toggle audio channels.

Press -/ down arrow: Decrease volume.

Press +/ up arrow: Increase volume.

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Recording this will stop these recordings:

  • Kong: Skull Island

    9:00am - 9:34pm, 12 Sep, CG226 Crime & Investigation Network

  • Camera Obscura

    4:00pm - 5:oopm, 12 Sep, CH220 BBC Earth

  • Su, M, Tu, W, Th, Sa 7:50PM - 10:05PM

    5:00pm - 6:00pm, 12 Sep, CH223 History

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Programmes from Junior Pack, STEM Learning Pack and selected programmes for kids are right upfront.



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");var programNameSpan = $("" + + "");var addedWatchlistIcon = 'Now Player - All Channels (58)';var timeSpan = $("" + (program.startTime + " - " + program.endTime) + "");if (program.isInWatchlist) {timeSpan = $("" + (program.startTime + " - " + program.endTime) + addedWatchlistIcon + "");}// var playbtnSpan = $("

" + " " + "" + "" + "

");// if ("201910234934481" == program.vimProgramId) debugger;var isFirstProgram = (startTime >= program.start && startTime < program.end);var isLastProgram = (endTime > program.start && endTime <= program.end)if (isFirstProgram && isLastProgram) {width = (endTime-startTime)/60000*201/30;} else if (isFirstProgram) {width = (program.end-startTime)/60000*201/30;} else if (isLastProgram) {width = (endTime-program.start)/60000*201/30;} else {width = (program.end-program.start)/60000*201/30;}var divId = "program_" + program.vimProgramId;var programItem = $("

");wrapper.append(programNameSpan);// programItem.append(playbtnSpan).append(wrapper).append(timeSpan);programItem.append(wrapper).append(timeSpan);programRoot.append(programItem);left += width;}} else {var programItem = $("

");var wrapper = $("

");var programNameSpan = $("" + (lang=="en"?"No information available.":"沒有節目提供。") + "");wrapper.append(programNameSpan);programItem.append(wrapper);programRoot.append(programItem);}}}function changeDay(filterType, day) {var currentWidth = $(window).width();var visibaleTimeslots = 49;$(".realtime-arrow").hide();if (day != 1) {var hiddenTimeslotCount = $(".inner-timeslot").find(".timeslot-item:hidden").length;visibaleTimeslots = changeTimeslot(2);$(".timeslot-item").removeClass("active");if (selectedDay == 1) {var left = $("#programDiv").scrollLeft();$("#programDiv").scrollLeft(hiddenTimeslotCount * 201 + left);}} else {visibaleTimeslots = changeTimeslot(1);var hiddenTimeslotCount = $(".inner-timeslot").find(".timeslot-item:hidden").length;var currentTime = new Date().getTime(); $(".realtime-arrow").show();var timeslotWidth = 201;if ($(window).width() < 440) {timeslotWidth = $(".inner-timeslot").width() / 2;}var index = Math.floor((currentTime - 1719763200000) / (30 * 60 * 1000));$($(".timeslot-item")[index]).addClass("active");var timeIndicate = (timeslotWidth / 30) * (Math.floor((new Date().getTime() - 1719763200000) / 60000) % 30) - 7.5;$(".realtime-arrow").css("left", timeIndicate + "px");if (selectedDay != 1) {var left = $("#programDiv").scrollLeft();console.log(left - hiddenTimeslotCount * 201);if (left < hiddenTimeslotCount * 201) {$("#programDiv").scrollLeft(0);} else {$("#programDiv").scrollLeft(left - hiddenTimeslotCount * 201);}}}for (var i = 0; i < programRows.length; i++) {var programRow = $(programRows[i]);programRow.empty();programRow.addClass("loading");var left = 0;for (var j = 0; j < visibaleTimeslots; j++) {var programItem = $("

");var wrapper = $("

");var name = $("");var time = $("");wrapper.append(name);programItem.append(wrapper).append(time);programRow.append(programItem);left += 201;}}loadData(channels, programRows, day);selectedDay = day;showLRButton();}function changeDayWithTime(filterType, day){var currentWidth = $(window).width();for (var i = 0; i < programRows.length; i++) {var programRow = $(programRows[i]);programRow.empty();programRow.addClass("loading");var left = 0;}var timeNo = $(' select').val();var indexOfPassedTime = Math.floor((new Date().getTime() - 1719763200000) / (30 * 60 * 1000));if (day == 1 && timeNo - 1 < indexOfPassedTime) {timeNo = indexOfPassedTime;selectedTimeNo = timeNo;}loadMobileData(channels, programRows, day, timeNo);$(".realtime-arrow").hide();if (day != 1) {showPassTime();changeTimeslot(2);$(".timeslot-item").removeClass("active");} else {hidePassTime();changeTimeslot(1);var currentTime = new Date().getTime(); $(".realtime-arrow").show();var index = Math.floor((currentTime - 1719763200000) / (30 * 60 * 1000));$($(".timeslot-item")[index]).addClass("active");}selectedDay = day;}function showProgramDetail(programId) {var reg =/^[E]{1}(\d+)$/;$.ajax({url : '/tvguide/epgprogramdetail',type : 'GET',data : {programId : programId},async : true,dataType : 'json',success : function(data) {var lang = 'en';var vodNodeId = data.vodNodeId;if (vodNodeId) {$("#ondemandSeelAll").attr("href", "/ondemand/seeall?nodeId=" + vodNodeId);$(".ic-ondemand").show();} else {$(".ic-ondemand").hide();}var programName = lang == "en" ? data.engSeriesName : data.chiSeriesName;if (lang == "en" && data.engProgName.match(reg)) {programName += " " + data.engProgName;} else if (lang != "en" && data.engProgName.match(reg)) {programName += " " + data.chiProgName;}$("#program_name").html(programName);$("#program_name_mobile").html(programName);var imagePath = data.portraitImage;if (imagePath) {if(imagePath.indexOf("vi_vod") == 0) {imagePath = "" + imagePath;} else if(imagePath.indexOf("20") == 0) {imagePath = "" + imagePath; }$("#program_logo").attr("src", imagePath);$("#program_logo").prop('class', 'channel-bk-m-none');} else {$("#program_logo").attr("src", "" + data.channelId +"_170_122");$("#program_logo").prop('class', 'channel-bk-m');}$("#program_logo").attr("alt", programName);$("#program_time").html(data.programDateTimeForMobile);$("#program_time_mobile").html(data.programDateTimeForMobile);var programSynopsis = (lang == "en") ? data.engSynopsis : data.chiSynopsis;var synopsis = (programSynopsis != undefined && programSynopsis != "") ? programSynopsis : data.synopsis;if (synopsis != undefined && synopsis != "") {$("#program_synopsis").html(synopsis);$(".synopsis-con").show();} else {$(".synopsis-con").hide();}if (data.isLive == 'Y') {$($(".live")[0]).show();$($(".live")[1]).show();} else {$($(".live")[0]).hide();$($(".live")[1]).hide();}var ischappready = isappList.get(padDigits(data.channelId, 3));var ischsubscribed = issubList.get(padDigits(data.channelId, 3));var ischfree = isfreeList.get(padDigits(data.channelId, 3));var currentMilliseconds =;if ((currentMilliseconds > data.actualStartTime) && (currentMilliseconds < data.endTime)) {$("#programModal .ic-play").removeClass("hidden");if (ischappready && ischfree) {$("#programModal .ic-play a").attr("onclick", "checkoutlivewithchannelid('"+data.channelId+"');");}else if (true) {$("#programModal .ic-play a").attr("onclick", "loginAndPlay('"+data.channelId+"');$('#programModal').modal('hide');$('.other-time-con').hide()");}else if (true && ischappready) {$("#programModal .ic-play a").attr("onclick", "checkoutlivewithchannelid('"+data.channelId+"');");}else if (true && !ischsubscribed) {$("#programModal .ic-play").addClass("hidden");}else if (true && ischappready) {$("#programModal .ic-play a").attr("onclick", "checkoutlivewithchannelid('"+data.channelId+"');");}else{$("#programModal .ic-play").addClass("hidden");}}else{$("#programModal .ic-play").addClass("hidden");}if (data.isAdultContent) {$("#programModal .ic-watchlist").hide();} else {$("#programModal .ic-watchlist").show();}$.ajax({url : '/tvguide/epgprogramothertimes',type : 'GET',data : {programId : programId},async : true,dataType : 'json',success : function(data) {if (data.length > 0) {var ul = $("

    ");$($('.other-time-con')[0]).empty();for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {var epgProgram = data[i];var li = $("

  • ");var timeDiv = $("

    ");var img = $("Now Player - All Channels (60)");img.attr("src", "" + epgProgram.channelId + "_40_20");img.attr("alt", "ch" + epgProgram.channelId);logoDiv.append(img);li.append(logoDiv);var nameDiv = $("

    ");nameDiv.html(epgProgram.channelId + " " + epgProgram.channelEngName);li.append(nameDiv);ul.append(li);if (i == data.length - 1 || data[i + 1].otherDateStr != epgProgram.otherDateStr) {var dateDiv = $("

    ");dateDiv.html(epgProgram.otherDateStr);var rootDiv = $("

    ");rootDiv.append(dateDiv);rootDiv.append(ul);$($('.other-time-con')[0]).append(rootDiv);ul = $("

      ");}}} else {$(".ic-othertime").hide();}$("#programModal").modal("show");}});},error:function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log(XMLHttpRequest.status); console.log(XMLHttpRequest.readyState); console.log(textStatus); }});}function padDigits(num, size) { var s = num+""; while (s.length < size) s = "0" + s; return s;}function changeTimeslot(type){if(type == 1){var index = Math.floor((new Date().getTime() - 1719763200000) / (30 * 60 * 1000));if (index != previousIndex)previousIndex = index;var text = $($(".timeslot-item")[index]).text();var no = $($('.timeslot-item')[index]).attr('value');no = Number(no);$(".timeslot-item").each(function(){if($(this).attr("value") < no){$(this).hide();$(this).attr("disabled", true);}});var widthNum = $(".inner-timeslot").width();var programRows = $(".program-row");programRows.each(function(){$(this).width(widthNum);});return 49 - no + 1;} else {$(".timeslot-item").each(function(){$(this).show();$(this).attr("disabled", false);});var widthNum = $(".inner-timeslot").width();var programRows = $(".program-row");programRows.each(function(){$(this).width(widthNum);});return 49;}} function selectMobileTimelot(timeNo){var day = $(' .filter-style-m select').val();selectedTimeNo = timeNo;loadMobileData(channels, programRows, day , timeNo);}function hidePassTime(){var indexOfPassedTime = Math.floor((new Date().getTime() - 1719763200000) / (30 * 60 * 1000));$(' select option:lt('+ indexOfPassedTime + ')').remove();var index = selectedTimeNo - 1 - indexOfPassedTime > 0 ? selectedTimeNo - 1 - indexOfPassedTime : 0;$(' select').children('option').eq(index).prop("selected","selected");showFlag = false;}function showPassTime(){var selectOfTime = $(' select option');$(' select').empty();$(' select').append(timeslotOptions);$(' select').children('option').eq(selectedTimeNo - 1).prop("selected","selected");showFlag = true;}function updateWatchlist(itemId, itemType, cid, sid, imagePath, iconOnly, chId) {var isAdded = $("#programModal .ic-watchlist a:first").hasClass("active");var trackobj = getPlogCWTracker(itemId);if (!isAdded) {$.ajax({url : '/mynowctrl/addepgprogramtowatchlistitem',type : 'POST',data : {itemId : itemId,itemType : itemType,cid : cid,sid : sid,imagePath : imagePath,cwtrackId : trackobj.trackid,cwsessionId : trackobj.sessionid},success : function(responseJson) {if (responseJson.responseCode == 'SUCCESS') {$("#programModal .ic-watchlist a:first").toggleClass("active");$("#programModal .ic-watchlist img:first").attr("src", "/img/icon/addedwatchlist-chevron.svg");$("#programModal .ic-watchlist a span:first").html("On Watchlist");$('#programModal .close').attr("onClick", "javascript:$('.other-time-con').hide();$('.synopsis-con').show();$('.npx-modal .back').hide();window.location.reload();");}else if(responseJson.responseCode == 'PROFILE_NOT_FOUND'){window.location.reload();}},error : function (res) {}});} else {$.ajax({url : '/mynowctrl/removeepgprogramfromwatchlistitem',type : 'POST',data : {pid : itemId,itemType : itemType,cid : cid,sid : sid,cwtrackId : trackobj.trackid,cwsessionId : trackobj.sessionid,channelId : chId},success : function(responseJson) {if (responseJson.responseCode == 'SUCCESS') {$("#programModal .ic-watchlist a:first").toggleClass("active");$("#programModal .ic-watchlist img:first").attr("src", "/img/icon/addwatchlist-chevron.svg");$("#programModal .ic-watchlist a span:first").html("Add to Watchlist");$('#programModal .close').attr("onClick", "javascript:$('.other-time-con').hide();$('.synopsis-con').show();$('.npx-modal .back').hide();window.location.reload();");}else if(responseJson.responseCode == 'PROFILE_NOT_FOUND'){window.location.reload();}},error : function (res) {}});}}function checkoutlivewithchannelid(channelId) {// seems this function is unused. -use same func in checkout.jsvar form = document.createElement("form");form._submit_function_ = form.submit;form.setAttribute("method", 'post');form.setAttribute("action", "/liveplayer/"+channelId);var formDataList = { "callPlayerURL": encodeURIComponent(window.location.href), "logoURL": "" + channelId + "_83_60"};for (var key in formDataList) { if (formDataList.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'hidden'; = key; input.value = formDataList[key]; form.appendChild(input); }}document.body.appendChild(form);form._submit_function_(); }

    • Now Player - All Channels (2024)


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      Author: Annamae Dooley

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      Author information

      Name: Annamae Dooley

      Birthday: 2001-07-26

      Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

      Phone: +9316045904039

      Job: Future Coordinator

      Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

      Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.